1. Amy

    Very informative. Perhaps, in fact, too informative. I am now so nervous that all I want to do is keep my hands in my pockets. But, wait… NO, don’t do that! In many places THAT is considered very rude behavior! Ok, yes please – I WILL have another glass of wine. (But, if I’m in Austria, I’d better keep my hands on the table..) Oh, gee… ooops… what? OK. I’m traveling anyway!

  2. The big Z

    Dear Amy,
    Please don’t be too scared about traveling in foreign countries. We are really trying to raise awareness about how dangerous being alive can be and we think we hit the mark with you!

    Brava! Good Travels

  3. Yes, as a traveler myself I have had to learn many a hard lessons the hard way but let’s mention faux pas that visitors commit when visiting. There is on thing that can make me want to strangle someone. Even when it is done while I am visiting their country. It is when people smack loud and slurp wet, while eating. AHHHHHHHH, I just can’t stand it. Not simply eating with an open mouth but actually, deliberately, smacking and slurping. I was in Vietnam recently. This man (note: He was not Vietnamese) was sitting next to me. While eating he was making the sound one makes when they grab their cheeks and repeatedly and quickly pull them off their teeth. Yes, for those who know, this is a sign of enjoyment. Well tough sheet. I don’t need to know how much someone else is enjoying their food. Keep your mouth shut! If it had not been for my calm and collected wife keeping me restrained, I would have taken his food in hand and shoved it down his throat. whew, I feel so much better. Thank you.

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