1. The big Z

    Dear Jacqueline,
    We really appreciate your courtesy. Some people call us instead of leaving a quick note. Sheesh! My alarm bells started going off when I realized you are taking so much time to promote some company you won’t dare name. This seems like some kind of code. Are you OK? I notice you mention the word “key” and this seems like it may mean you need a key to “run away” from some un-named assailant! When you say “try their service for 7 days” you mean you’ve been held for seven days? Gracious me! This is sounding dire. What about where you say “300 targeted visitors per day” are you being passed around like a cheap rag-doll for some mafioso types? $300 a day! Please send more info so we can find you and set you free.

    We await a new coded spam message with baited breath,

    Spammy Gallivant

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