1. Hi, my name is Brigitte and I am the sales manager at XXXXXXXXXXXX.com. I was just looking at your Today is catch up from an incredibly fun day yesterday! – Roaming Gallivants website and see that your site has the potential to get a lot of visitors. I just want to tell you, In case you don’t already know… There is a website network which already has more than 16 million users, and the majority of the users are interested in topics like yours. By getting your site on this service you have a chance to get your site more visitors than you can imagine. It is free to sign up and you can read more about it here: http://HA!.com – Now, let me ask you… Do you need your website to be successful to maintain your business? Do you need targeted visitors who are interested in the services and products you offer? Are looking for exposure, to increase sales, and to quickly develop awareness for your site? If your answer is YES, you can achieve these things only if you get your site on the service I am talking about. This traffic network advertises you to thousands, while also giving you a chance to test the service before paying anything. All the popular blogs are using this service to boost their readership and ad revenue! Why aren’t you? And what is better than traffic? It’s recurring traffic! That’s how running a successful website works… Here’s to your success! Find out more here: http://DamnThreeURLSInOnePost.com – or to unsubscribe please go here: http://notGonnaHappen.com

  2. Hey there, Brigitte!
    Thanks looking at – “insert page name and web site name here” – and seeing the potential for more visitors! I really didn’t know that there was a magic website with 16 million users who are interested in the same topics as the Roaming Gallivants. Holy Shit! that is a 16 with six zeroes after it and there are all just like me! You claim, however that I can get more visitors than I imagine. Well, let me tell you I can imaginate real high numbers and junk! You pose another interesting question, “Do you need your website to be successful to maintain your business?” well, Duh! The other questions you pose lead us to believe you have a deep seated inferiority complex leading you to fabricate questionable claims centered around appearing more successful to your peers without actually being just that. You go on to mention, “All the other popular blogs…” didn’t you really mean to say, “All the popular kids are doing it…” Let’s be honest here; it’s time to move on and let Junior High go. Making these wild claims of how you can make us more popular just makes you look more desperate. Make peace with your past and realize that who you are is great!

    The Boys

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